Do you have a Family Reunion or "Get-together" planned?
Just send us the information and we will gladly post it for you.
Estes-Waddell Reunion
Saturday, Sept 14, 2013
Rolater Park, Cave Spring, Ga.
Would like to invite descendants and connecting families of Andrew Jackson Estes(1839-1922)
and John Smith Waddell (1879-1940) to the family reunion.
Please come & visit with us. We will start gathering about 11:00 a.m.
Signs will be up directing you to "our" spot.
Bring a coverd dish & drink and don't forget to bring any favorite photos and family history you would like to share with everyone.
For more information contact
If you have any corrections or additions, please e-mail
If you would like for us to add a link to your family page, send us the details and we will be glad to add it.
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